A transformational community

that disciples Christian leaders in partnership with the Church for global missional service

Our Approach

Holistic Development, Community Centric, Partnership-Focused, Shared Influence

OUR Core values

What we value most governs how we live.

Our Rule of Life

The way we live and work together for the glory of God.

WHy we exist

By the year 2050, one in every three believers will be African.  The rapidly expanding African church has a desperate need for well-equipped leaders who are deeply connected to Christ, and who can connect deeply with others. 

East Mountain, founded in 2011, exists to disciple Christian leaders for global missional service.  We long to see men and women, transformed by the Gospel and living in authentic relationships, who inspire their churches and organisations to join God in His work across the continent.    

Learn More Recent Activities
Why the Name “East Mountain”?

Throughout the scriptures, the “mountain” symbolizes a sacred space where God invites His people to be with Him. In that space, away from the busyness and noise of the world, God's people find perspective, purpose, vision, and rest. East Mountain is a community where leaders can meet with God and find perspective, vision and rest before being sent back out to join God in His work.

The “East” in our name honors the reality that our faith began in a non-Western culture and the vast majority of Christians today live in the non-Western world. We look beyond the Western context for biblical examples of robust Christian life, community, and ministry, realizing that missions are no longer “from the West to the rest, but from everywhere to everywhere."

Meet the East Mountain Staff

Mark & Marcie, together with their sons Dylan and Caleb, have been part of the EM community since 2013. Mark serves as the director and brings 30 years of experience in ministry and Spiritual Formation.   Marcie's authentic, fun-loving spirit adds a sense of play and adventure to EM's activities as she leads and mentors.  

Support the Harrises

Mark & Marcie Harris

Abbey helps coordinate the Residency, focusing on spiritual formation, theology, and mentoring. As a former resident, Servaas remains involved in community life while working full-time as a marketer. Servaas and Abbey love engaging in conversations around theology and culture.

Support the Hofmeyrs

Abbey & Servaas Hofmeyr

Michael grew up in Senegal and Sharon in Canada, but God instilled in both of them a similar desire to share with others the hope found in Jesus Christ and how this hope permeates every facet of life, transforming our relationship first with God and then with others.

Support the Cortimilias

Michael & Sharon Cortimilia

Before serving with East Mountain Caleb and Marisa lived in Atlanta, GA, where Caleb taught third grade and Marisa worked for a communications agency. Caleb grew up in Dakar, Senegal and Marisa in Tokyo, Japan. They will serve as house parents in addition to their involvement with other ministry activities.

Support the Duttweilers

Caleb & Marisa Duttweiler

Ronn & Aladrian are a powerhouse couple that bring highly skilled professional experiences in couseling and leadership development and a positive, faith-filled attitude that shapes the East Mountain ethos.

Support the Elmores

Ronn & Aladrian Elmore


Josh has been serving in missions since 2006 and Kari since 2010. Serving separately, as teachers at Dakar Academy in Senegal, they met and fell in love and the rest, as they say, is history. Once married, Josh and Kari served together in Senegal for 8 years until 2019. They have 3 children: twins Nolan and Quin, and Mia. Josh and Kari joined the EM team in South Africa in Jan 2022.

Support the Mcintoshs

Josh & Kari McIntosh


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